Darcy Taylor - Poland
Before arriving in Poland, I had subconscious assumptions about what it would be like. I thought, since our ministry was English teaching, that I wouldn't connect with the students super well. My life as an English speaking American felt very different from their lives as Polish speaking teens. Gently, the Lord tore down this assumption and rebuilt it into something so beautiful. I realized something so simple- language (and nothing, quite frankly) is a barrier to God's love. The relationships and friendships developed between my team and Polish teens and staff left me in bittersweet tears as we left. I was more than shocked at how much each of my team members had developed such deep and genuine bonds with the people there. Some of these connections only consisted of a conversation with little to no English spoken. God's love is not bound to sharing the same language- it can speak through actions, smiles, laughter, games, eye contact, sharing meals together, and so much more. I will forever feel like a part of my heart is in Poland with the people there, and I now know that there is absolutely no limit on how the Lord moves.