Practice Resurrection
Written by: Abby Sunu
It’s funny how God can meet us in the most unexpected and bizarre ways, like an Instagram story. I was aimlessly tapping through Instagram stories when I came across a photo of a canvas flag.
It was simple, beige and printed in black ink were the words “Practice Resurrection.”
My gaze was fixed on those words.
“Practice Resurrection”
What the heck does that even mean?
As a Christian, “resurrection” is one of those buzzwords I’ve always been familiar with. I’ve sat through plenty of Easter Sundays, Bible classes, and given many Young Life talks around this subject, yet the phrase still puzzled me.
I started to do some serious digging, and what I found captivated me.
The flag was created by The Parative Project, which is a social enterprise that exists to free women from human trafficking by employing 25 women who hand sew every flag in Mumbai, India. I love shopping for a cause and purchasing ethically-sourced products. My love for this flag continued to grow!
The Parative Project’s product description says it all:
“Practice resurrection” reminds us that the seed looks nothing like the flower but there is no flower without the seed. So keep working, and toiling, and trying again because it all has value and one day it will come to full affect. Even death can’t rob us so keep reminding yourself of the resurrection and walking in it’s grace.
Wow. Product descriptions have really stepped up their game because I was wrecked by this (not wrecked enough to drop $78 on it though. Yikes).
Since then, this phrase has been a central theme in my life, especially during this lenten season. In a time where the church focuses on Jesus going to the cross to die for our sins and to be raised to life again in the resurrection three days later.
As a part of this year’s Holy Week, I want to scratch the surface of what resurrection can mean for us in our walks with Christ. I want to focus on what it looks like to practice resurrection everyday.
1. Practice: Your new life with Christ
We are resurrected with Christ! When we choose to follow Jesus, we leave behind our patterns of sin and death and join Christ in the path towards righteousness and life to the full.
Christ doesn’t see the sin you carried before you met him, or even the sin after you met him. He doesn’t see that time you really messed up 4 years ago, or the bad thing you did last week, or the wrongdoings of today. That sin is dead. Your life is new.
“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” (Romans 6:4)
I challenge you to live into your identity in Christ this Holy Week.
If you feel ashamed of your past and keep dwelling on your sin, stop, and shift your mindset to how Christ sees you.
I urge you to remember that your sin is dead, and it does not define you.
2. Practice: Live like you’re forgiven, because you are.
I’m not saying go on and do whatever the heck you want because you’re already forgiven. Don’t abuse God’s grace. Be changed by it. The Apostle Paul wrote:
“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?” (Romans 6:1-2)
Paul just called us out... (in the best way possible).
Because of the resurrection, we have been fully forgiven. Every time we ask God for forgiveness, the answer is “yes” and it’s immediate.
When I was little, having to ask my siblings for forgiveness was like pulling teeth. Thankfully our God doesn’t cross his arms and say, “Hmm, I’ll think about it,” whenever we ask for forgiveness.
We get to go freely before God.
Let’s treat repentance like a gift, not a burden.
I encourage you to actively practice immediate forgiveness the way Christ does.
3. Practice: The resurrection power inside you.
Jesus was miraculous; he healed the sick, he walked on water, he calmed the storms, he turned water into wine, he raised the dead (just to name a few). When we receive The Holy Spirit, we receive that same miraculous power that Jesus has. Jesus even said:
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)
Hey if Jesus said it, it must be true.
When I think about the miracles of Jesus, and then I think about my own life, I want the evidence of Jesus’s resurrection within me to be obvious to everyone I come in contact with. I want the resurrection to be written all over my life.
After all, the God who defeated death lives inside me. That’s kinda of a big deal.
What would it look like if we started to walk around knowing we are filled with the mighty power of God who rose Jesus from the grave? Not to mention, we can access that power everyday.
Do not be afraid to pray big prayers, to step out in faith, and to do the things Jesus did.
Be confident that The Holy Spirit is supernatural, is powerful, and is dwelling inside you.
And remember, you are not doing this in your own strength, but through the strength of the resurrected savior.